
Tom cannot help but come up with new inventions almost every day; some might say it’s an affliction. He is working on many different products at the moment in a variety of different areas.

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The Stylfile
Ethical Goods
Mode Diagnostics
Shelf Foot

The Stylfile The curved file for easy style.

Lord Sugar and I are proud to announce that the Stylfile Collection 2012 is now available in Sainsbury's stores and online. I've literally been working night and day to develop the range and I really hope you enjoy the massively improved S-file, completely new S-buffer and revolutionary Emergency File.

A huge amount of work has gone into every aspect of these inventions to give you, or a loved one, fantastic looking nails without the hassle.

Visit the Stylfile website for more information


Ethical Goods

Ethical Goods makes quality products even better by connecting them with relevant charities. By linking products across the Ethical Goods brand manufacturers can reduce marketing spend and increase sales. Customers get value for money on every day products and give to worthy causes. This 'get AND give' approach is the future of consumer goods, replacing the existing 'get OR give' model. Ethical Goods are at the very forefront of this exciting space.

Tom acted as Interim Managing Director (part-time) extending the Ethical Goods brand from one product to twenty. He helped to negotiate a ground breaking global licensing deal with IMG, the largest licensing agency in the world. Working with IMG he explored branding opportunities and created a brand style guide. He also pitched, negotiated and secured angel funding for Ethical Goods. As a shareholder, Tom continues to assist this exciting company.

Visit the Ethical Goods website for more information

Ethical Goods

Mode Diagnostics

Mode Diagnostics is a diagnostics start-up developing new products that empower consumers to take more control of their health. The company’s first product is an easy to use test to enable personal screening for the early detection of bowel cancer. More than 38,600 men and women are diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK every year, making it the third most common cancer; that's someone every 15 minutes. Tom assisted in the design and user experience of this product.

The company recently secured new financing and hopes to launch this revolutionary device shortly

Visit the Mode Diagnostics website for more information

Mode DX

Babisil Nurturing your little Angels

Babisil is an extra safe baby feeding brand. Tom co-developed the Silbottle, the first collapsible silicon baby bottle. The Silbottle is 100% Bisphenol-A [BPA] free and helps to prevent colic by reducing babies' air ingestion during feeding.

BPA was originally developed as an oestrogen replacement drug in the 1930; however chemists found that it was excellent at making plastics strong. When heated, BPA can leave the plastic and dissolve in babies' milk. Following concerns about BPA being consumed by babies, Tom worked with a team of specialists to create the safe silicon baby bottle. The additional benefit of the bottle is that it collapses during drinking, helping to make feeding more comfortable for babies.

Tom also co-created the Mu range of feeding products which included the toddler rucksack gift set. The packaging features poems about Mu and his friends. Mu's aesthetic packaging and quirky brand was well received and this small company made strong inroads within a highly competitive market.

Visit the Babisil website for more information


Biomimetics Health Industries

Biomimetics Health Industries is a life sciences organisation specialising in the research, development and manufacture of unique ‘nature replicating’ chemical products that naturally kill all known contagious pathogens such as MRSA, Clostridium difficile, M.tuberculosis, E.coli, Legionella bacteria and human and animal influenzas. All Biomimetics products are derived from a unique low chloride form of stable Hypochlorous Acid, the very same antimicrobial solution produced by the human immune system to fight infection.

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) is an incredibly effective natural sanitiser that kills all known pathogens: it is rapidly bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and sporicidal but is completely safe to humans, being non-sensitising, non-irritant to skin or eyes, non-mutagenic and non-toxic.

Biomimetics Health Industries products offer significant benefits to a wide range of market sectors including: medical, agricultural, food processing, healthcare laundry and wound care. In recent tests, Salvox eradicated Clostridium difficile 027 spores in less than 15 seconds.

The implications of Biomimetics Health discoveries are world reaching and NHS microbiologists are incredibly excited about the potential of Salvox in the fight against MRSA, Clostridium difficile and other hospital superbugs. Tom assisted in New Product Development and Production.


Visit the Biomimetics website for more information

Amadeus Acoustic Screen

During live performances musicians’ ear drums can be damaged by the sound of surrounding musicians. Tom assisted Amadeus Performance Equipment, a world leader in performing arts furnishings, in developing their existing acoustic baffle. The resulting double screen acoustic diffuser, produced by the Innovation Faculty at the University of Brighton, comprised of one solid and one perforated section. The void between the two screens traps and diffuses some of the unwanted mid to high frequencies that can cause musicians so much discomfort. This noise diffusion, rather than reflection, has the additional advantage of dissipating sound rather than simply reflecting it straight back to those seated behind the acoustic screen.

Visit the Amadeus website for more information


Timmy Tickle Now Available on the App Store

Tom assisted his highly talented sister Harriet Pellereau in creating children's story App, launched last year. The App reached No. 2 in the App Store Book Charts and is a great example of innovation in this market.

Timmy Tickle is an interactive octopus storybook which provides a fun reading and learning experience for young children. By touching the screen kids can interact with Timmy the octopus, and trigger animations which bring the book to life.

Click here to view in the App Store.

Visit the Nimblebean website for more information

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